Some resources that we hope will prove useful.
GDPR templates
These templates are provided “as is” and no responsibility is accepted for their use. They were developed by reading the Information Commission Office’s website. Other templates are available from other organisations. Please seek legal advice before use of these templates.
Response to Subject Access Request
If you receive a request for subject access (i.e. what personal information you have and are using for a particular person) you need to reply and verify the identity of the person making the request. The following document is an example template you can use as a basis for such a response.
1. Response to subject access request
Extension to Comply with Subject Access Request
Normally, you should comply within 30 days. Sometimes this is not possible, for example due to the complexity of the request. Or perhaps the person did not provide proof of identity in a timely manner, leaving you with little time to comply. In that case, you should send an extension, stating the reasons. The following document is an example template you can use as a basis for such a response.
2. Extension to comply with subject access request
Response to Subject Access Request
When you’ve gathered the required information, you need to reply to the subject access request. The following document is an example template you can use as a basis for such a response.
3. Response to Subject Access Request
We trust you’ll find the above templates useful. They have not been legally verified, so please use “as is” and adjust to your circumstances. Seek legal advice.
To the extent possible under law, Bootle Ltd has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to GDPR templates.